Lincoln Branch Pub of the Year 2025

We now need to start thinking about the Branch Pub of the Year for 2025. As usual, we are having two awards, one for city pubs and one for country (that is, not in Lincoln) pubs.

If you want to see the area covered by the Lincoln Branch, there is a map under Contact Us on the Branch website. Each member is allowed one vote in each category, which can be made in person, by post, phone, website or e-mail up to 10th January 2025.

A judging panel, selected at the AGM, will visit the three pubs in each category with the most votes and score them against the criteria used in the national Pub of the Year competition. In addition to beer quality, these criteria include décor, service, cleanliness, community focus and alignment with CAMRA principles. Full guidelines here.

Please contact us if you believe a pub is missing from the lists below.

    Your Name (required)

    CAMRA Membership No. (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Lincoln Pub of the Year

    Choose a City Pub of the Year

    Choose a Country Pub of the Year


    Except where otherwise indicated, all content © 1971 - 2025 The Campaign for Real Ale. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and up to date, no responsibility for errors and omissions can be accepted. The views expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the Campaign for Real Ale Ltd. Links to external sites do not imply any official CAMRA endorsement of the ideas expressed therein, or guarantee the validity of the information provided. Links to commercial sites are in no way an endorsement of any vendor’s products or services.