Lincoln CAMRA – Selection Processes for Good Beer Guide Entries and Pub of the Year

– For Good Beer Guide (GBG) entries and Pub of the Year (PotY), the Branch is divided into two areas, as follows:

— City – within the city of Lincoln.

— Country – outside the city of Lincoln.

– All Branch members receive a newsletter in September explaining the processes for selecting the Branch GBG entries and the Branch PotY.

GBG Entries

– Members nominate pubs in person, by post or by email.

– Pubs receiving two nominations go forward to the selection meeting in February.

– Members present at the selection meeting:

— Consult an analysis of the NBSS scores for the nominated pubs.

— Vote for the pubs they wish to see in the Guide.

— The maximum number of votes each member casts is equal to the Branch allocation.

— The maximum number of City pubs each member can vote for is no more than half the Branch allocation.

– The pubs with the most votes are nominated for the Guide, with the proviso that no more than half the Branch allocation are City pubs.

– Where there is a change of management, a pub is not normally eligible for selection until the new landlord/lady has been in charge for 6 months. However, depending on circumstances, the Branch Committee may relax this condition.


– Each member is allowed to vote for one City pub and one Country pub.

– Votes can be submitted in person, by post, by email or via the Branch website. The closing date is in early January.

– The three City and three Country pubs with the most votes are visited by volunteer judges and scored using the CAMRA judging criteria.

– From the scores, the City PotY, Country PotY and overall Branch PotY are decided.

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